LSU Paul M. Hebert Law Center
Center of Continuing Professional Development/LSU CLE

(A)    LSU LAW CENTER agrees to provide benefits listed as part of sponsorship tier at the time of sponsor registration.
(B)    SPONSOR agrees to pay the Law Center the amount correspondent to the selected sponsor tier. Checks made payable to "LSU."
(C)    Agreement is non-exclusive.
(D)    In keeping with the character of a public institution, the Law Center retains the right to require Sponsor to alter its display of its products or services and may regulate the size of sponsorship signs.  
(E)    The duration of this Agreement shall run from the time of sponsor registration until the end of the selected, sponsored conference.
(F)    Nothing in the terms shall be construed to place the parties in the relationship of partners or joint venturers or agents, and Sponsor shall have no power to obligate or bind the Law Center in any manner.
(G)    Sponsor may not use the Law Center’s name or other indicia without prior express written approval of the Law Center.
(H)     Nothing in these terms grants any right to the Sponsor to engage in sales of its products or services, or the products or services of others, at the seminar site.
(I)    Sponsor shall be solely responsible for, to defend and indemnify the Law Center and its respective officers, agents, and employees, and to hold each of them harmless from any claims, demands, causes of action or damages including reasonable attorney's fees, arising out of the rights granted to Sponsor hereunder.
(J)     The Agreement and any rights herein contained granted are personal to Sponsor and shall not be assigned or sublicensed.
(K)    This list of terms constitutes the entire agreement and understanding of the parties.  Any change, extension, or modification of this Agreement shall be incorporated by written amendments to these terms.  No amendment shall be effective and binding upon the parties unless it expressly makes reference to these terms, is in writing, and is signed and acknowledged by authorized representatives of the parties.
(L)    These terms, and any subsequent written agreement, shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Louisiana.