Patient, Practical, Peaceful, and Pithy - what’s in your “Professional Wallet?
Date & Time
Friday, November 3, 2023, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Greta Brouphy - Heller, Draper & Horn, LLC
John Kolwe - US Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of Louisiana
H. Aguillard - H. Kent Aguillard
John Kolwe - US Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of Louisiana
H. Aguillard - H. Kent Aguillard

The panel will discuss practicing professionalism while interacting with courts, colleagues, and clients. The focus will be on reminding attorneys practicing in this post-Covid world of in-person, hybrid, and telephonic interactions to rely on patience to tolerate problems and meet all disturbances with peace, while doling out pithy advice.
Session Type