If you are a registered participant looking for the webinar link, conference materials, how to report your credit, and more, click on the Virtual Conference Tab above.  You will need to sign in with your LSU CLE email and password you set up at registration.

Thursday, October 1, 2020 - Friday, October 2, 2020

Click on the "Register" tab above for registration options.


Registration Fees:
Full Conference (12.5 hrs):   $375 ($395 after September 17)
Day 1 Only (7 hrs):   $279 ($299 after September 17)
Day 2 Only (5.5 hrs):   $219 ($239 after September 17)
Ethics and Professionalism:   $45 each
Approved for 12.5 CLE credits in LA, TX, and MS (incl. Ethics & Professionalism)
Pending Approval for 5.0 LA Title Insurance CE credits
PDF delivered to your email inbox: FREE
Perfect-bound hard-copy mailed to you (inlcudes shipping, & handling): $50

Conference Sessions

Conference Location

Virtual Conference - Online Only

Once you have registered for the event:

  1. Click on the link provided in your confirmation email or click on the “Virtual Conference” tab above.
  2. You will need to sign in with your email and password that you set up when registering for the conference through LSU CLE.
  3. On the day of the conference, Click “View Session” button.
  4. The Zoom browser window will open.
    • If zoom is downloaded on your computer, Click “launch meeting” then “Open Zoom Meeting”.
    • To install zoom on your computer, click “download and run Zoom”. (For more help to download zoom, see instructions on the "Virtual Conference" page).
    • If you cannot download or run zoom, click “launch meeting” then click “join from your browser” – NOTE: not all functions are available when joining from your browser.  It is recommended to have zoom downloaded on your computer or device.
  5. Once you open the meeting from the zoom app or your internet browser, you will be prompted to enter your name and an email address. 
    • Enter your name and email address that is on record with the Bar Association.
  6. Click “Join Webinar”
  7. Webinar will open in Zoom to view.

General Information

Conference Materials

PDF materials will be emailed to you and available for download approximately one week before the conference.  You may also opt to pay for a bound, hard copy of the materials during registration which will be mailed to you.

You may not make changes to your materials selection after Thursday, September 17, 2020.

Cancellation Policy

Cancellation requests must be received in our office in writing (by email, fax or mail) no later than Thursday, September 24, 2020 to receive a refund less a $50 cancellation fee. Requests may be emailed to lsucle@lsu.edu or faxed to (225) 578-5842.

Additional Information

Special accommodations for accessibility
Indicate your accommodations request during registration or email lsucle@lsu.edu with your requests or questions. Please submit such requests by
Thursday, September 24, 2020.

Video and audio recording are prohibited. Selected portions of this conference will be rebroadcast or available on-demand after the conference.


Visit our FAQ page
Call us 225.578.5837