Decommissioning of Onshore Oil and Gas Pipelines and Related Gathering and Flow Lines
Date & Time
Friday, April 16, 2021, 12:45 PM - 1:30 PM
M. Taylor Darden

Pipelines often remain in service for decades, but at some point the use of a pipeline will cease—either for commercial reasons, pipeline integrity concerns, or the termination of the servitude or lease that served as authority to install and operate the pipeline.  When that point in time arrives, does the owner of the pipeline have a duty to landowner’s to remove the pipeline?  Do regulations require removal?  If the owner of the pipeline wishes to remove the pipeline, but the landowner prefers that it be left in place, does the operator have a right to remove it?  If the pipeline owner removes the pipeline, what surface restoration or decommissioning obligations does that owner have?  Finally, what practical issues should be considered or addressed in drafting pipeline servitude agreements?

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