Friday, November 17, 2023
7:30 AM - 8:00 AM
Check-in/Conference Opening

Refreshments Provided

8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
Federal Court Judges Panel
Stuart Duncan Thomas Flanagan Dana Douglas Kurt Engelhardt

Hear from a panel of US 5th Circuit Court judges on a myriad of topics including brief writing; how judges approach oral arguments; what they read beforehand; what they're interested in hearing lawyers addressed; and what is discussed in conference afterwards.

9:40 AM - 11:10 AM
Reflections on Written and Oral Advocacy in the State Appellate Courts
Charles Fitzgerald Thomas Flanagan Gary Ortego Sharon Wilson

Louisiana’s unique system of appellate review, including broad supervisory jurisdiction and the authority of appellate courts to engage in de novo fact-finding when error interdicts a judgment, distinguishes it from federal practice. Join a distinguished panel of appellate judges as they explore best practices in the areas of briefing, oral advocacy, and supervisory writs and share insights on how they evaluate the parties’ submissions. 

11:20 AM - 11:50 AM
Expedited Writs and Appeals Under Rule 5 Louisiana Uniform Rules – Courts of Appeal
Kenneth Haines

This 30 minute talk will be an expose’ on the Special Rules Applicable to Writs and Appeals Involving Minors:
A.    Cases Designated for Expedited Treatment Rule 5-1
B.    Rules of Confidentiality of Rule 5-2
C.    Procedural Rules for Expedited Cases Rule 5-3
D.    Applicability of Other Rules to Expedited Cases Rule 5-4

11:50 AM - 12:30 PM
Lunch (provided)
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Out-of-the-Ordinary Appellate Issues in State and Federal Courts
Clinton Bowers Martin Stern Elizabeth Murrill

This segment will cover topics that that do not arise often, but that can be of critical importance in federal and state appellate courts.  These include emergency motions, stay motions, en banc appeals, mandamus, and certification of questions by federal courts to the Louisiana Supreme Court.

1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
Tips from the Clerks’ Office
Rodd Naquin Thomas Plunkett

A discussion with the Clerks of Court on tips for filing in appeals and writs at the state and federal courts of appeal.  These tips will be based upon common mistakes seen in the clerk’s office, internal court procedural processes, local rules of court, unusual situations seen by the clerks, and the clerks’ interactions with the appellate judges and the court’s legal staff.

2:40 PM - 3:40 PM
The Ethics of Appellate Advocacy in Civil Cases
Michael Rubin

When we handle appeals, we cite to the record below, brief applicable law, and participate in oral argument. There are not a lot of “ethical concerns” in appellate law, right? Wait! Are you really sure that this is the right “ethical” answer? Mike Rubin, with his unique blend of scholarship and humor, and with one of the most unusual multimedia presentations you’ll ever see, will challenge your thinking, raise issues to ponder, and give you something to smile about.